2024 Topical Reporting: Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Identity, Large Newsroom finalist

Naked’ And Defiant: Diary Of An Iranian Protester

About the Project

In this powerful interactive, RFE/RL narrates entries from a diary that an Iranian woman kept over the summer in 2023. Nesa is one of the “naked,” the term used by the Iranian authorities to describe women who go out in public without wearing the mandatory hijab, or Islamic head scarf. Nesa reflects on her own life, and on the lives lost in the brutal state crackdown on protesters following the death in custody, one year ago, of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. Beautifully narrated by Hannah Kaviani, this collaboration between the RFE/RL’s Central Newsroom and Radio Farda is a model of tight, powerful storytelling that puts the audience experience first.

Innovative storytelling — Turn on audio and autoscroll to experience the story with audio narration while scrolling the diary entries as they are played.