2024 General Excellence in Online Journalism, Micro Newsroom finalist

The Air Current

About the Project

The Air Current is a subscription-based aviation news service that combines the highest standards of journalism with the level of technical detail and rigor expected by a sophisticated industry audience. We have deep expertise in the subjects we cover and an outstanding network of sources, both of which allow us to break important stories that are typically overlooked by other publications. In the past year, our coverage of Boeing in particular has received widespread praise and contributed to shaping the conversation around this strategically important U.S. manufacturer.

Our approach to user experience starts with the principle that in a cacophonous web, a paid subscription site should be a quiet oasis. Fancy formatting is of little use to the reader if the experience is ruined by spammy ads and full-screen newsletter pop-ups. Designed in-house, our site is clean, visually appealing and uninterrupted by advertising. On top of this solid foundation, we have added interactive charts, graphics and data visualizations that complement our rigorous journalism. As an added perk for our Pro subscribers, these visuals are available for them to repurpose within their own organizations.

The Air Current is not entirely a walled garden, however. The open sharing of safety-critical information and lessons learned is a key reason why commercial aviation is as safe as it is today, and in the same spirit, we make all of our safety reporting free to read without a subscription. This greatly amplifies our reach and influence while making a positive contribution to the industry we serve and the many consumers who rely on it. At the present time, we’ve also opened to the public our innovative Airflow newsfeed, powered by Hype Aviation: a curated, chronological newsfeed of aviation, defense and space stories from around the globe. It’s also available as a standalone mobile web app, making it easier for our readers to stay on top of breaking news.

Our editor-in-chief, Jon Ostrower, has more than 135,000 followers on Twitter/X, a large and engaged community that he has built up over the course of 16 years. Jon remains an authoritative voice in “Aviation Twitter” and has expanded his influence to other platforms including LinkedIn, Instagram and Threads. In December, Jon was ranked by Powerscourt as the world’s #2 media influencer shaping the debate on the future of aviation — right behind our senior editor, Elan Head, who specializes in coverage of electric aviation and sustainable technologies.

Jon and Elan have also received numerous honors for their journalism. Most recently, at the 2023 Aerospace Media Awards, Elan took home the award for Best Safety, Training & Simulation Submission, while Jon received a Judge’s Commendation for his writing about the future of flying in China.