July 6, 2022

Nominate journalism peers for the 2022 ONA Community Award

Honoring behind-the-scenes journalism innovators and community builders

We are pleased to open the call for nominations for the 2022 ONA Community Award.  This award honors an individual or a small team that has made outsized contributions to digital journalism, and is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of behind-the-scenes colleagues.

We invite ONA members to submit nominations now through Wednesday, July 27 at 11:59pm EDT (3:59 UTC).

The selection committee will consider two criteria in their evaluation:

  • A person or small team that has created tools or systems that help digital journalists do and showcase their best work
  • A person or small team that has fostered a stronger sense of community among digital journalists, either by rallying the industry together for a cause, connecting news innovators on an influential and impactful project, or developing a community over time

In 2021, the ONA Community Award honored the community managers of the ICFJ (International Center for Journalists) Global Health Crisis Reporting Forum. The team connected 13,000 journalists from 134 countries to training, resources and each other, and enabled them to deliver relevant health and science information to their communities. Other previous honorees include Doug Mitchell, Founder and Project Director of NPR’s Next Generation Radio, the Journalists of Color Slack Administrators and Erika Owens, now Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.

How to nominate yourself or a peer

All active ONA members can submit nominations for themselves or other individuals or small teams that embody the award. The nomination form asks for the following information:

  • Nominee’s name and email
  • One paragraph about how the nominee has fostered a strong sense of community, if applicable (200 words max)
  • One paragraph about how the nominee has created tools and/or systems to help digital journalists, if applicable (200 words max)
  • Up to three links exemplifying their work and impact; at least one link is required

Submit a nomination to the 2022 ONA Community Award

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