2024 Online Commentary, Personal Narrative winner

My Life With Long Covid

About the Project

As the urgency of the Covid pandemic recedes, the world is reckoning with the scars the virus has left on public health. In “1,374 Days: My Life with Long Covid,” designer Giorgia Lupi used symptom-brushstrokes to visualize over three years of obsessive journaling of her long Covid experience, viscerally illuminating what life is like for those suddenly struck by a mysterious, post-viral chronic illness.

As an information visualization expert, Ms. Lupi turned to data as her chosen tool to understand the contours of her new life. She kept meticulous records in a massive, multi-column Google spreadsheet, which were transformed for this piece into brushstrokes rendered by custom WebGL shaders onto a massive interactive calendar of her symptoms and medical procedures over three years. This innovative use of data visualization enlightened readers about the complexities of a novel chronic illness.

The guest essay incorporates medical records from Ms. Lupi’s tests and procedures, interviews with her doctors, magnified imagery of her bloodwork demonstrating anomalies in her body’s immune response, as well as an interactive chorus of patient voices from Ms. Lupi’s long Covid community. These voices, sharing their hopes for their own lives, given the prompt: “I hope I will be able to ______ again,” made the urgency of the issue palpable.